Sad song, love song
Sometime ago, I've written a lyric - when I was younger I used to write songs to sing to my friends followed by the three chords that I knew how to play on the acoustic guitar. Anyway, I was at home, was a lazy Sunday afternoon, and some phrases came to my head. I started to type on Google Keep and let the words flow through my fingertips. Five minutes later, I've finished. I was proud of that song, was sad, but a trully song, came from the bottom of my heart, even that the story wasn't true. I ask my wife to read and after doing it she stare at me almost crying and said that the lyrics were beautiful but to sad. "I write so good, why don't you write light things, why don't you write something about love?" I said to her that was about love, and it was indeed. "Yeah, but happy things about love!" "Because there is a certain beauty on sadness that you don't see in happiness." She shake her head and said "ok". After that I r...